Cancun Custom Private Tours Expert

Cancun Manny

“Travel is an investment in yourself.”


Cancun Private Tours

Cancun Manny has put together a collection of private tours to choose from that showcase highlights of the Riviera Maya.

Custom Private Tours

Cancun Manny can help you set up a custom tour that would include only the stops you want to make! We work with the Riviera Maya route also the Chichen Itza route.

Explore Cancun and The Riviera maya

Private tours especially offer much more flexibility, and with Cancun Manny as your personal host you can’t go wrong! Want to keep it simple, select one of our preset Private Tours from our collection, however if you like to have full control try a Custom Private Tour from us.

Furthermore you can read what others had to say regarding my skills to set up custom private tours around the area on my Trip Advisor Reviews

Cancun Manny’s Social Media

Up until now I haven’t done much in social media due to not having experience. I do understand the importance so it is certainly something I plan to work on. Please follow me and also let me know what you would like to see from my social media. In short what you think I could eventually do to help me promote private tours around Cancun.

With my facebook I plan to share random pictures, stories, short videos, etc., but the main tool of facebook I want to take advantage of is their reviews section

On my tweeter I plan to share local news, promotions or discounts that I might be offering like last minute deals!

The youtube channel will be a collection of places Cancun Manny can take you to during a private tour. As of Feb 2023 I don’t have any videos uploaded so make sure you let me know which spots I should showcase first.